The 6x1 course structure was very complete and was set up in a fashion that hit all of the major points in experimental film. Each different aspect was covered and we were able to see the different perspectives of film through this medium. There are some things though they could have made the learning process better. The 6 different projects was a good foundation to get a feel for what we were making, and whenever we had a project ahead, we would go over the topic and see examples from previous classes fro inspiration. I would like to see more of the examples and maybe get some hands on experience to get a idea of what the whole project entailed.
One thing that distracted me was the many viewings of experimental film. On some days it just seemed like there was too much of the same thing when the class would watch back to back screenings. I felt overwhelmed by the intensity of multiple films for a long time. I would have liked it better if we watched a couple of films and then we would do a assignment that was in unison when the project that was next on the agenda. It would hold my attention longer and my mind would not tend to wander since we wouldn’t be constantly watching shorts. The entire class was great and I enjoyed watching the films, but week after week, the films effect started to fade away. Each project had its pros and cons, the first section with film manipulation was really fun and it went well since we were automatically paired up. I thought the examples shown were extremely helpful and cool. It was one of my favorite parts of the semester. The animation was fun, and I thought the extended class period was crucial in completing it, it felt long at the time, but we absolutely needed it in order to accomplish our project. That was the quickest section, but that may have been in part that I edited the one shot and therefore I did not have to edit the animation project.
The one shot was the best part during the 6x1 experience; it involved all the aspects of filmmaking within a couple of hours. I liked seeing our film being developed, it was weird seeing and making the film without the entire digital element. I was always used to and almost convinced myself that you need a computer in order to make a film. But in this case, I was wrong and we made everything happen all on our own. Nothing felt better than holding the very film you just shot in your hands. Each assignment on its own I felt that I gained a new knowledge in the field and the only things I would change is that we could spend more time working on them and going through the troubleshooting and learn each individual step on making each project. In some cases I felt that we need more explanation on the projects rather than turning us loose.
In the end, the 6x1 class was awesome and I had fun making each project. I am still pumped about the last project, the 48hr. video race, so it will be interesting what I come up with. If the past has any indication it will more than likely be something funny and comedic. Haha, we’ll just see now.